Friday, August 23, 2013

top ten most powerful dog bites


the Malinois more commonly known as the Belgian shepherd can exert 195 pounds of pressure per square inch. a Belgian shepherd is often mistaken for a German shepherd as they have much in common the differences are the Belgian shepherd is significantly faster than a German shepherd but a German shepherd is bigger as a German shepherd is classed as a large sized dog where as a Belgian shepherd is classed as a medium sized dog. They are both similar in the sense that they are both very intelligent and loyal. Belgian shepherds are trained as police dogs like German shepherds but Belgian shepherds are easier to control therefore more widely trained.


the Dutch shepherd is a relative of the German shepherd and the Belgian shepherd and it tops the Belgian shepherd bite force with an awesome bite force of 224 pounds of pressure per square inch. many Dutch shepherds have longer fur than the one you see in the picture but I picked the picture so you can see how lean and defined the Dutch shepherd is. like the Belgian shepherd the Dutch shepherd is a medium sized dog.


 the Pit bull terrier. so theres many misconceptions around society about pit bulls and many people would of thought this dog would have the biggest bite force the reason for this is because they have curved teeth that lock in and very strong necks to hold on to who ever and what ever they are biting. slightly edging the Dutch shepherd the Pit bull can exert 235 pounds of pressure per square inch which combined with the razor teeth is enough to do lasting damage.

the German shepherd spoken a lot about in this post the German shepherd can overwhelm you with a 238 pounds of pressure per square inch beating the pit bull by 3 pounds. however the German shepherd is classed as a large dog where as the pit bull is labelled with small. bred for protection the German shepherd is naturally a very loyal and intelligent dog which is known for being aggressive however in most cases the German shepherd is not aggressive he is a calm well rounded dog who will attack only when his owner is in imminent danger.

an African wild dog or lycaon pictus this is greek for wolf and latin for painted if you look at the fur you can see why. this animal as you can tell by the name is wild therefore has adapted to be strong therefore can exert 317 pounds of pressure per square inch. it may shock you but although obviously not as big as a lion the African wild dog is actually a much better hunter as a lion will only kill about 30% of what he chases and African wild dog will kill about 80% of what he hunts.


the rottweiler very commonly known for being aggressive and being an excellent and loyal property defence system. the people that bred the Rottweiler for protection bred him well as he can put 328 pounds of pressure per square inch which would easily stop any robber or vandal in there tracks.

the wolf, maybe you were thinking that if the wolf was in this post it would be at the top but think again, all dogs were bred from the wolf some for being sheep dogs, some for protection some for fighting some for racing etc, the wolf certainly holds his own against most dogs with a fearsome bite putting 406 pounds of pressure per square inch enough to break a collar bone almost 41 times over.

the bull mastiff, im sure your shocked by the size of the bull mastiff bred to defend, they didnt just make them big though they also made them achieve a bite force of 556 pounds of pressure per square inch which is 150 over a wolf and wolfs are famous for being aggressive and wild, where as the mastiff is bigger and has a greater bite force.

the Kangal, so you thought the mastiff was big? here is an average size Kangal unless, your really into dogs like me you may of never heard of a kangal basically its a dog bred in turkey, relative of the mastiff family yet not a type of mastiff, very much like a German shepherd in the way that they are not very aggressive unless there owner or property is under attack, they are also very calm and affectionate and there loyalty makes them easy to train in the sense of doing tricks but hard to train to be a police or millatry dog because if one of them was on a criminal it would be hard to control and restrain them and its not fair on the criminals because its bite force is 743 pounds of pressure per square inch which is enough to shatter bones and do life long damage.


The Hyena, you may be thinking hang on i've seen hyenas in the lion king there not dogs, theres many disputes concerning this matter so if you want to dismiss the hyena from this list go ahead but the hyena to me is a dog although he does not bite like one as a hyena can deliver a whopping, outstanding and bone breaking bite of 1000 pounds of pressure per square inch which is enough to break a fully grown, strong mans collar bone 100 times over. in one recent study a spotted hyena delivered a bite of 1100 pounds so they can easily kill many animals in one case two of these amazing animals took down a fully grown male lion so maybe your thinking a lion is huge obviously it has a higher biting force well actually a lion can exert 600 pounds of pressure so maybe your thinking well a tigers bigger that must do as well but no a tiger can deliver the same and in same but in two separate studys the tiger delivered 1050 and a hyena delivered 1100 so im not saying the hyena would beat either a lion or a tiger but when you think what some people consider a dog can do more damage than a lion its pretty mind blowing.

1 comment:

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